Please note: Ownership by a third-party organization is indicated by a “(*Name of third party*)” after the listing. If no name is listed, the translator/satellite station is owned by the same company as the broadcast station. When available, we have provided URLs to the websites of said 3rd party organizations.
Twin Cities:
2.1-5 KTCA (PBS):
-Frost: K16MA-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K26CS-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K22MA-D (CTV)
4.1-5 WCCO (CBS):
-Alexandria: K22DV-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Frost: K35IU-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K35KI-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K35IZ-D (CTV)
-Olivia: K18IR-D (Renville County TV)
-Red Lake: K22MF-D (translating KCCW 12.1-5) (Red Lake Nation)
-Redwood Falls: K33LB-D (Redwood TV Improvement Corporation)
-Walker: KCCW 12.1-5
-Willmar: K33OT-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
5.1,7,8; 23.1 KSTP (ABC):
-Alexandria: K18DG-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Frost: K14KD-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K14KE-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K17MY-D (CTV)
-Olivia: K21NS-D (Renville County TV)
-Redwood Falls: K35NY-D (Redwood TV Improvement Corporation)
-Walker: K24KT-D (24.4 -> KSTP 5.8) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
5.2-6 KSTC (45TV):
-Alexandria: K17NW-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Frost: K34NV-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K30FN-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K29LV-D (CTV)
-Olivia: K31OR-D (Renville County TV)
-Redwood Falls: K28LL-D (Redwood TV Improvement Corporation)
-Walker: K35KH-D (35.4 ->KSTC 5.4) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
42.1 (KSTP 5.1 ABC), 42.2 (KSTC 5.2 45TV), 42.3 (KTSC 5.3 MeTV), 42.5 (KSTC 5.5 Camera) KSAX Alexandria:
-Alexandria: 42.1-5 KSAX
-Bemidji: 28.1-5 K28DD-D
-Brainerd: 16.1-5 K16BQ-D
-Park Rapids: 32.1-5 K32FY-F
-Redwood Falls: 43.1-5 KRWF
-Wadena: 17.1-5 K17FE-D
-Walker: K35KH-D (35.1 -> KSAX 42.1; 35.2 -> KSAX 42.2; 35.3 -> KSAX 42.3) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Willmar: 42.1-5 K19IH-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
9.1-3,7; 23.2,6 WFTC (FOX):
-Alexandria: K30AF-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Bemidji: KFTC 26.1-4; 23.2,6
-Brainerd: K20NH-D (Translating 26.1-4; 23.2,6 KFTC)
-Frost: K29IF-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K23MF-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K34NU-D (CTV)
-Olivia: K34OZ-D (Renville County TV)
-Red Lake: K34NP-D (Translating 26.1-4, 23.2,6 KFTC) (Red Lake Nation)
-Redwood Falls: K19CV-D (Redwood TV Improvement Corporation)
-Walker: K21HZ-D (21.2 -> WFTC 9.2, 21.3 -> WTFC 9.3) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Walker: K35KH-D (35.5 -> WFTC 23.6) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Willmar: K30FZ-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
9.4-6;8-10 KMSP (FOX):
-Alexandria: K32EB-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Frost: K19LJ-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K16CG-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K31NT-D (CTV)
-Walker: K21HZ-D (21.1 -> 9.9 KMSP) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Willmar: K32EB-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
11.1-8; 23.5 KARE (NBC):
-Alexandria: K26CL-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Frost: K31EF-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K32GX-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K34JZ-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K19HZ-D (CTV)
-Olivia: K23FP-D (Renville County TV)
-Redwood Falls: K22KU-D (Redwood TV Improvement Corporation)
-Walker: K24KT-D (24.1 ->KARE 11.1) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Walker: K21HX-D (21.6 -> KARE 11.4) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Walker: K24KT-D (24.5 -> KARE 23.5) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Willmar: K17FA-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
21.1-7 WUMN-LD (Univision):
-St. Cloud: K26PF-D
25.1-6 KJNK-LD (Telemundo):
-Godahl (Mankato): K28OH-D (CTV)
41.1-8 KPXM (Ion):
-Alexandria: K34AF-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Frost: K17MX-D (CTV)
-Godahl (Mankato): K20LP-D (CTV)
-Jackson: K30KQ-D (CTV)
-Redwood Falls: K17BV-D (Redwood TV Improvement Corporation)
-Willmar: K26NU-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
62.1-3 WDMI-LD (Daystar):
-Godahl (Mankato): K29IE-D (CTV)
10.1-6 KWCM – Pioneer PBS (PBS):
-Alexandria: K27KN-D (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Fergus Falls: K08QE-D (Appears as 8.1-6)
-Olivia: K20JY-D (Renville County TV)
-Willmar: K22ND-D (UHF TV, Inc.)
9.1-6 KAWE – Lakeland PBS (PBS):
-Alexandria: K36KH-D (translating KAWB) (Selective TV, Inc.)
-Baudette: K25MW-D (Lake of the Woods County)
-Big Falls: K29KE-D (Koochiching County)
-Birchdale: K35MY-D (Koochiching County)
-Brainerd: 22.1-6 KAWB
-International Falls: K18MB-D (Koochiching County)
-Red Lake: K36OA-D (Red Lake Nation)
-Roseau: K24MS-D (Roseau County)
-Walker: K24KT-D (24.2 -> KAWE 9.1, 24.3 -> KAWE 24.3) (Leech Lake Television Corporation)
-Williams: W32EG-D (Lake of the Woods County)
6.1-3 KBJR (NBC/CBS):
-Big Falls: K27LL-D (translating KRII) (Koochiching County)
-Birchdale: K31PK (translating KRII) (Koochiching County)
-International Falls: K22MZ-D (translating KRII) (Koochiching County)
-Kabetogama: K34LJ-D (translating KRII) (Koochiching County)
-Northome: K18JM-D (translating KRII) (Koochiching County)
-Red Lake: K20MN-D (translating KRII) (Red Lake Nation)
-Virginia/Hibbing (Chisolm): 11.1-3 KRII
8.1-5 WDSE (PBS):
-Kabetogama: K36LA-D (translating WRPT) (Koochiching County)
-Virginia/Hibbing: 31.1-5 WRPT
10.1-6 WDIO (CBS):
-Big Falls: K31MA-D (translating WIRT) (Koochiching County)
-Bigfork/Marcell: K23KZ-D (translating WIRT) (EZ-TV, Inc.)
-Birchdale: K33PL-D (translating WIRT) (Koochiching County)
-International Falls: K24MT-D (translating WIRT) (Koochiching County)
-Kabetogama: K32JZ-D (translating WIRT) (Koochiching County)
-Max: K36KZ-D (translating WIRT) (EZ-TV, Inc.)
-Northome: K16JD-D (translating WIRT) (Koochiching County)
-Red Lake: K24MM-D (translating WIRT) (Red Lake Nation)
-Virginia/Hibbing: 13.1-6 WIRT
21.1-2 KQDS (FOX):
-Bigfork/Marcell: K21KY-D (EZ-TV, Inc.)
-Grand Rapids: K29EB-D
-Hibbing: K15GT-D
-International Falls: K20NR-D
-Virginia: K22MR-D
-Ashland, WI: W15EE-D
-Hayward, WI: K31GH-D
-Ironwood, MI: W32CV-D
27.1-10 KCWV (TCT):
-Duluth: K17OV-D (Lowcountry 34 Media)
-Duluth K30QX-D (Edge Spectrum)
7.1-3 KMNF-LD (NBC/CW):
-Mankato: K33MW-D
6.1-5 KAAL (ABC):
-Garner, IA: KAAL-DRT
10.1-6 KTTC (NBC):
-Dexter: K30RA-D
-Rochester: K29OE-D (Appears as 29.1-6)
-Mason City, IA: K30QY-D
24.1-4 KYIN (PBS):
-Decorah, IA: K25PE-D
-Lansing, IA: K31NJ-D
Sioux City, IA:
4.1-6 KTIV (NBC/CW):
-Salix, IA: K27LD-D
-Norfolk, NE: K24JG-D
14.1-5 KMEG (Dabl):
-Spencer, IA: K18KG-D
-Norfolk, NE: K23PU-D
27.1-4 KSIN (PBS):
-Rock Rapids, IA: K33PV-D
-Sibley, IA: K26JI-D
44.1-3 KPTH (FOX/CBS):
-Spencer, IA: KBVK-LD
-Norfolk, NE: KPTP-LD
Sioux Falls, SD:
2.1-6 KUSD (PBS) Vermillion:
-Wagner, SD: K08PM-D
5.1 (KDLT 46.1 NBC), 5.2 (KDLT 46.2 FOX), 13.1 (KSFY 13.1 ABC) KDLV Mitchell:
-Badger, SD: K35GR-D
-Springfield, SD: K33GX-D
7.1-10 KTTW (TCT):
-Huron, SD: KTTM
11.1-4 KELO (CBS):
-Aberdeen, SD: K24DT-D (Translating KDLO 3.1-4)
-Florence, SD: KDLO 3.1-4
13.1-6 KSFY (ABC):
-Worthington: K18MO-D (Appears as 15.1-6)
-Aberdeen, SD: K36NW-D
-Brookings, SD: K25OU-D
-Pierre, SD: K14IO-D
-Sioux Falls, SD: KABY-LD (Appears as 15.1-6)
-Watertown, SD: K32DK-D
36.1 (Ion):
-Sioux Falls, SD: KCWS-LD (Appears as 27.1)
46.1-6 KDLT (NBC/FOX):
-Jackson: K27NF-D (CTV)
-Aberdeen, SD: K33MI-D
-Brookings, SD: K17NF-D
-Pierre, SD: K27KH-D
-Watertown, SD: K28OH-D
Fargo, ND:
11.1-4 KVLY (NBC 11.1/CBS 11.2):
-Baudette: K14PH-D (34.1 -> 11.1 KVLY; 34.2 -> 11.2 KVLY) (Lake of the Woods County)
-Roseau: K30PA-D (4.1 -> KVLY 11.2) (Roseau County)
-Roseau K21NF-D (11.1 -> KVLY 11.1) (Roseau County)
-Williams: K34MC-D (34.1 -> 11.1 KVLY; 34.2 -> 11.2 KVLY) (Lake of the Woods County)
Grand Forks, ND:
8.1-4 WDAZ (ABC):
-Baudette: K16KE-D (36.1 -> 8.1 WDAZ) (Lake of the Woods County)
-Roseau: K28PL-D (8.1 -> 8.1 WDAZ) (Roseau County)
-Williams: K36LW-D (36.1 -> 8.1 WDAZ) (Lake of the Woods County)
10.1-2 KBRR (FOX):
-Baudette: K16KE-D (36.2 -> 10.1 KBRR) (Lake of the Woods County)
-Roseau: K26OH-D (17.1 -> 10.,1 KBRR) (Roseau County)
-Williams: K36LW-D (36.2 -> 10.1 KBRR) (Lake of the Woods County)
Eau Claire, WI/La Crosse, WI:
8.1-6 WKBT (CBS):
-Eau Claire, WI: WDBL-LD
-La Crescent, MN: KQEG-CD
-Tomah, WI: WPDR-LD
14.1-4; 13.10 WECX-LD (CW/NBC) Fairchild, WI:
-Eau Claire, WI: W33DH-D
-La Crosse, WI: W34FC-D
28.1-4 WHWC (PBS):
-Grantsburg, WI: W24CL-D
-River Falls, WI: W19EN-D
31.1 WHLA (PBS):
-Bloomington, WI: W16DU-D
Green Bay, WI:
26.1-7 WGBA (NBC):
-Door County (Sturgeon Bay): WLWK-CD (Appears as 22.1-7)
38.1-4 WPNE (PBS):
-Door County (Sister Bay): W17DZ-D
Wausau, WI:
7.1-6 WSAW (CBS/FOX/CW):
-Sayner/Vilas County, WI: W21DS-D
9.1-6 WAOW (ABC):
-Crandon, WI: 4.1-5 WMOW
12.1-6 WJFW (NBC):
-Wausau, WI: 27.1-6 W27AU-D
20.1-4 WHRM (PBS):
-Coloma, WI: W29ET-D
33.1-5; 34.10 WZAW-LD (FOX):
-Stevens Point, WI: W31EV-D
7.10 CBS (WSAW), 33.10 FOX (WZAW-LD), 34.1 CW – WYOW Eagle River