We offer installation and setup of smart TVs and streaming TV platforms. Streaming services are an excellent and inexpensive way to supplement your over-the-air viewing experience.
Here is a list of additional apps & services, mostly free, that may be of interest:
Radio streaming
myTuner (Free)
Platform: Roku
Stream a wide variety of AM and FM stations.
TV Streaming
CW (Free)
Platform: Roku
Limited on-demand streaming of recent CW TV episodes.
The First TV (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming and on-demand content from The First TV (Conservative news network).
France 24 (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming and on-demand content from France 24.
KOOL-TV (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of KOOL-TV Alexandria, MN.
NHK World Japan (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming and on-demand content from NHK World Japan.
QVC & HSN (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of QVC & HSN Channels (HSN, HSN 2, QVC, QVC 2, QVC 3).
Rev’n (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of the Rev’n channel (automotive).
RT (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of RT Networks (RT News, RT USA, RT UK, RT Documentary, etc.) and streaming content.
WeatherNation (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of WeatherNation and forecast display.
Christian (Catholic):
EWTN (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of EWTN TV and EWTN Radio, on-demand content.
Christian (Evangelical):
The Gospel Coalition (Free)
Platform: Roku
Access to streaming video content from The Gospel Coalition – lectures and conference messages.
Ligonier Ministries (Free)
Platform: Roku
Access to Ligonier Ministries content including Renewing Your Mind with Dr. R.C. Sproul, teaching series, conferences and RefNet radio.
NRB TV (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of NRB TV and on-demand content.
OnePlace (Free)
Platform: Roku
On-demand content from many prominent evangelical teachers (John MacArthur, Alistair Begg, Martin Lloyd-Jones, James Dobson, Chuck Swindoll, Jim Boice, etc).
TCT (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming and on-demand content from TCT TV.
Truth for Life (Free)
Platform: Roku
Truth for Life radio broadcasts and video sermons from Alistair Begg.
Christian (Pentecostal):
SBN Now (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of SBN TV.
Christian (Seventh-Day Adventist):
3ABN (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of 3ABN networks (3ABN, Proclaim! Network, Dare to Dream Network, 3ABN Kids, Praise Him, 3ABN International, 3ABN Latino, 3ABN Français, 3ABN Russia) and 3ABN Radio (3ABN Radio, 3ABN Radio Music, 3ABN Radio Russia, 3ABN Radio Latino, 3ABN Australia Radio).
LLBN (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of LLBN Networks (His Word TV, His Light TV, Smart Lifestyle TV, LLBN Latino, LLBN Arabic, LLBN Chinese, LLBN Korean, LLBN South Asian).
Christian (Word of Faith):
CBN (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of CBN channels (CBN Family, CBN News, CBN Espanol, CBN Radio,) as well as on-demand content.
Daystar (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming and on-demand content from Daystar.
TBN (Free)
Platform: Roku
Live streaming of TBN channels (TBN, Hillsong, Enlace, Smile, Nejat, Al Horreya, EJTV, TBN UK TBN Africa, and TCI) as well as TBN on-demand content.
For more information, contact us today or call: (952) 491-0643 or (715) 802-6275.