MN/WI Coverage Overlap

We get a number of questions about the coverage of Minnesota stations in Wisconsin and likewise, the coverage of Wisconsin stations in Minnesota. This is our attempt to provide some general information. However, the best way for us to give you specific information about your location is to contact us today or call at (952) 491-0643 or (715) 802-6275 and have us run a signal prediction report for your specific location.

Viking/Packers schedule conflicts: On approximately 4 Sunday games per season, the Packers and Vikings are playing different teams, at the same time, on the same network, with Minnesota affiliates airing the Vikings game and Wisconsin affiliates airing the Packer game. Usually, three of the schedule conflict games occur on FOX while one occurs on CBS.

La Crosse-market coverage in MN: All towers for the La Crosse market are all located in La Crescent, MN (with the single exception of CBS WKBT 8, located  a few miles north in Galesville, along with UHF translators in La Crescent, MN, Tomah and downtown Eau Claire), hence La Crosse stations cover a great deal of southern MN- as far west at Dodge County and as far north as Lake City.

Eau Claire-market coverage in MN: Coverage of Eau Claire market channels varies a bit from channel to channel (as they are all on separate towers). NBC WEAU 13, with its massive 2,000ft tower, can be seen as far west as places like Spring Valley, Rochester and Welch. ABC 18 WQOW is rarely seen in MN, as it suffers from co-channel interference with Rochester’s K25NK-D (58.1-7). PBS 28 WHWC, plus its River Falls and Grantsburg translators, can be seen as far south as I-90, well into the Twin Cities suburbs and as far north as Sandstone. FOX 48 WEUX covers some places north of I-90, east of Rochester.

Twin Cities-market coverage in WI: Full-power Twin Cities channels 2,4,5,9,11 and 23 have fairly uniform coverage, as they are broadcast from the same group of towers in Shoreview, MN at the similar elevations and power levels. They can be seen as far north as Webster, as far east as Elk Mound and as far south as Alma. Parts of very far western WI may also see KPXM 41 ION and some of the Twin Cities low-power channels.

Duluth-market coverage in WI: Duluth channels can be seen as far south as Siren and as far east as the far-western tip of Michigan’s upper peninsula. FOX 21 KQDS also operates translator stations in Hayward, Ashland and Ironwood, MI which can be seen as far south as Rice Lake.


Rochester-market coverage in WI: Rochester channels can be seen in Wisconsin only at locations with favorable elevation, generally within 10-15 mi from the border. This extends approximately from Prairie Du Chien up to Ellsworth.

For more information, contact us today or call (952) 491-0643, (715) 802-6275.